In the Big Thoughts for Little Minds series key Bible passages are brought to life in a relatable way for young children
Based on Ephesians 6:10–17 visualizing the armor of God. Be a superhero and prepare for battle with your very own outstanding armor.
Discussion topics bring practical application of Scriptures to a child’s level
Lively illustrations for each page
- Have you ever seen a soldieror superhero on TV?
- Guess what? I receivedreliable information thatwe can have an awesomeuniform too!
- So, my good friends, bestrong and courageousand let us put on thearmor of God.
- Those of us who wear thisarmor are not fightingagainst things we can seewith our eyes.
- If you want to join me instanding strong and valiantin this important battle
- First, we must put on the belt oftruth.
- Next is the body armorof righteousness.
- Before we go anywhere we mustmake sure we’re wearing theboots of the gospel of peace.
- We must never forget the shieldof faith!
- Then there is the helmet ofsalvation.
- Last, but definitely not least, wehave the awesome sword of thespirit of God.
- Onward to battle we go!Now that we have thefull gear
- God is our Commanderand He will go before us.
- My big thoughts